woman smiling

Throughout the years, our skin is exposed to UV radiation, pollutants, and sometimes harsh chemicals in skincare products. All have cumulative detrimental effects, and the damage begins to show as skin that is wrinkled, uneven and tired looking. Your face just doesn’t look the way it used to, and makeup and drugstore treatments are no longer effective in masking and improving the problem areas. If you’re still seeking the right solution for your skin concerns, it’s time to consider the benefits of BroadBand Light (BBL)™.

BBL sets a new standard for treating a wide variety of skin conditions. Sometimes called the “Swiss Army Knife” of cosmetic care, BBL is a non-invasive rejuvenation procedure that improves skin superficially and structurally, helping you regain a younger, refreshed, and more radiant appearance.


How does BBL work?

BBL is photo rejuvenation that utilizes intense pulsed light to gently heat the outer layers of the skin. Excess pigment and blood vessels are damaged when they absorb the light, prompting the skin to heal itself through accelerated cell turnover. This corrects age spots and redness and triggers the production of collagen, a protein that gives skin a youthful appearance. The comprehensive BBL treatment improves skin’s look and overall health.


What is BBL used for?

Woman rubbing her cheek

BBL can address a wide range of skin conditions, almost anywhere on the body. The areas most often treated with BBL include the face, neck, chest, arms and hands.

Different wavelengths can be selected during BBL treatment, allowing specific areas of concern to be targeted. And because the technology’s filters can be quickly changed, multiple skin conditions can be addressed in a single treatment session.


At Elevé, BBL is often used to rejuvenate skin affected by:

  • Age spots & freckles
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Spider veins & broken capillaries
  • Fine lines & wrinkles
  • Loss of firmness
  • Rosacea



How long does the treatment take? BBL is quick and convenient, with some treatments taking as little as 5 minutes. Most can be completed within 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

Are there any risks or side effects? The potential side effects of BBL treatments are mild and temporary. Age spots and freckles may darken for a few days after a session, but makeup can easily cover those areas as they fade. It is, however, important to note that tanned skin can increase the risk of complications and prevent the treatment’s energy from targeting specific areas.

What can I expect after a BBL treatment? BBL is a non-invasive treatment with no downtime, making it perfect for patients with busy schedules. While skin may look slightly red in the treated areas, patients can return to their usual activities immediately after an appointment. BBL provides many of the same benefits of a chemical peel with a shorter recovery time.

Is BBL a one-time treatment? There will be a visible improvement in your skin’s appearance after a single BBL treatment. However, the number of sessions required for best results depends on your skin type, aesthetic goals, and severity of your condition.

How long do BBL results last? Results from BBL can often last one to two years, depending on the number of treatments and the patient’s skin type and skincare routine.


Why choose Elevé for BBL?

woman smiling and reading Eleve Brochure

By choosing Elevé’s skincare team, you’ve enlisted the help of extensively trained medical professionals with experience producing the best possible outcomes. Elevé prioritizes patient education and believes open communication is key in setting realistic expectations. You will be guided through every step of your personalized treatment plan to ensure you are comfortable and confident with the chosen products and procedures.

If you’re ready to recapture your youthful glow with BBL, contact Elevé to further explore the technology’s benefits: 715-847-0000

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