What is AAA?

An Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) is a vascular condition that involves an unusual dilation of the abdominal aorta, the primary artery responsible for transporting oxygen-rich blood to essential organs. Typically resulting from a weakening of the arterial wall, this expansion can pose a significant risk of rupture if left unchecked.

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How is AAA diagnosed?

Prompt diagnosis plays a pivotal role in effective AAA management. Our suite of diagnostic methods includes comprehensive physical exams, abdominal ultrasounds, computerized tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). These assessments offer invaluable insights into the condition, aiding in the formulation of personalized treatment strategies.

What are the risk factors for AAA?


Age is a significant factor in developing AAA. The risk increases as you get older, especially if you're over the age of 65.

Tobacco Consumption

Smoking or the use of other tobacco products has been linked to the development and growth of AAA. This effect is due to the harmful effects of nicotine on the blood vessels, which can weaken the aortic walls.


High blood pressure can put extra stress on the walls of your aorta. Over time, this pressure can lead to a weakening of the aortic wall, making it more susceptible to aneurysms.


While the relationship between diabetes and AAA is complex, some studies suggest that people with diabetes may have an increased risk of AAA. High blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels, possibly leading to aneurysms.

Obesity & Unhealthy Diet

Excess weight can increase the risk of many health conditions, including AAA. Obesity can lead to hypertension and high cholesterol, both of which are risk factors for AAA.

Family History

If a close family member, such as a parent or sibling, has had an AAA, you may be at greater risk of developing the condition.


Men are more likely to develop AAA than women.


Caucasian individuals are at a higher risk for AAA compared to other ethnic groups.

Why diagnosing AAA in the early stages is important

An early diagnosis is instrumental as it empowers us to take preventative measures to circumvent severe complications, such as rupture, which could lead to life-threatening consequences. Our commitment to early detection is part of our overarching dedication to proactive vascular health management.

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What are the symptoms of AAA?

AAA often doesn't present noticeable symptoms until it reaches a critical stage. However, potential signs may include discomfort in the abdomen, a palpable pulsating sensation, or tenderness upon touch. Prompt detection is crucial to mitigate complications.

What are the treatment options for AAA?

Lifestyle Modifications

These are often the first line of defense in managing AAA. Changes can include quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet. These steps can slow the progression of the aneurysm and improve overall health.


Certain medications may be prescribed to control blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This could include antihypertensive drugs and statins. These medicines can help reduce the pressure on the walls of the aorta and slow the growth of the aneurysm.

Endovascular Repair

This is a less invasive surgical option where a stent graft is inserted into the aorta to reinforce the weakened section of the vessel and prevent rupture. The procedure is performed through small incisions in the groin and has a shorter recovery time compared to open surgery.

Traditional Open Surgery

This is a more invasive procedure where the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen to access the aorta. The weakened section of the aorta is replaced with a synthetic graft. This procedure is typically reserved for larger aneurysms or when endovascular repair is not suitable. Recovery from this procedure is more extensive and will require a hospital stay.

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What are the benefits of our vascular lab?

Enter our state-of-the-art vascular lab, where we redefine AAA care. Leveraging breakthrough diagnostic tools like ultrasound and Doppler exams, we identify potential risks and devise customized treatment plans. Our lab functions not merely as a diagnostic center but also as a comprehensive treatment facility for vascular diseases, ensuring a more comfortable experience for patients.

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Why Choose Surgical Associates?

Since our establishment in 1985, Surgical Associates has served as a beacon in surgical practices, specializing in a wide array of procedures, including vascular surgeries. Accredited by AAAHC, our practice is recognized for consistently delivering high patient satisfaction. Our team of specialized surgeons, possessing extensive expertise in AAA, has collectively performed thousands of procedures, guaranteeing exceptional results. With a commitment to personalized care, we maintain a high nurse-to-patient ratio, ensuring each patient's unique needs are met.

Put your trust in Surgical Associates for dedicated, quality healthcare. We place a high emphasis on patient education, ensuring transparency in treatment options, and addressing all your concerns. Experience the advantages of our state-of-the-art Office-Based Lab (OBL), enabling minimally invasive procedures and expedited recoveries. Your journey to optimal vascular health starts here. To take the first step, schedule a consultation with us today and begin your path to better vascular health.

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