
woman smiling and resting chin on her hands

New at Elevé: Jeuveau, The “NEWtox”

Move over BOTOX®, there's a new, non-surgical option for relaxing frown lines and deep furrows between the eyebrows. This “NEWtox,” known as Jeuveau®, is an injectable neuromodulator gaining popularity in the aesthetics industry. Its name (pronounced ju...

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Couple making square with fingers

6 Eye Bag Remedies Elevé’s Experts Swear By

The delicate tissue surrounding your eyes can be easily damaged, because it's significantly thinner than the skin on the rest of your face. As you age, that tissue loses its firmness, and your facial muscles weaken. The fat supporting your eyes gradually moves into the lowe...

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Lip Filler Myths & Facts

Lip fillers have become an immensely popular non-invasive cosmetic treatment. Since the year 2000, their use by women has increased more than 50 percent! Due to celebrities, like Kylie Jenner with her infamous lips; lip kits; and wide influence, lip filler photos and video are be...

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Cheers to 2023

Cheers to 2023, Here’s to the New Me!

As the curtain comes down on 2022, we collectively turn over a new leaf and welcome the new year and all its possibilities. A new calendar year means a fresh start, a chance to renew focus on what really matters, and the perfect time to unveil an all-new YOU! At Elevé, we...

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Woman sunbathing by the pool

No-Shave November? Make it “No Shave EVER” with Laser Hair Removal

There are plenty of temporary options for people who want to remove hair from their face or body. The problem is that each one comes with at least one detractor. Shaving results are short-lived. Plucking is a tedious timewaster. Depilatory creams are messy and often smell awful...

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Everything You Need to Know About Preventative Botox®

Living life to the fullest means embracing its varied experiences and emotions. You can't relish the highs without confronting the lows. Smiling, laughing, frowning and crying; it’s all rawness and realness that gives our existence meaning. The problem with all those...

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woman smiling

Turn Back the Clock with BroadBand Light Therapy

Throughout the years, our skin is exposed to UV radiation, pollutants, and sometimes harsh chemicals in skincare products. All have cumulative detrimental effects, and the damage begins to show as skin that is wrinkled, uneven and tired looking. Your face just doesn't look...

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Unmasking the Top Treatment Options for Melasma

Many of us dream of having healthy, glowing skin and are often quick to treat or cover up even the smallest imperfection in our pursuit of an even tone. But, for those suffering from melasma, blotchy patches spread across a large portion of the face, making it difficult to hide w...

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H-S-N Complete

3 Supplements for Healthy Skin

How often have you considered the impact your diet has on your skin? Just like the other organs in your body, your skin's health depends on your nutritional intake. How we care for ourselves “inside” has a major impact on our outward appearance. If the body had...

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Woman with Armpit sweat

How Can Botox® Stop Embarrassing Sweat?

Sweating is a fact of life. It's our body’s natural response to cool our skin and regulate temperature. However, it can still impact your confidence, and if you have hyperhidrosis, the pit stains or sopping palms can be downright humiliating. Sadly, many people affect...

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